We help a Bolivian woman with a fantastic hat

Can I confess something? I just liked the hat.

Here’s what KIVA had to say about Leandra:

“Leandra, 62, is married and has two children who are 25 and 19 years old. She sells vegetables on a very busy street in the city of La Paz. This loan is her first with the institution. She will use the loan to buy construction materials to repair her house for her business. Leandra faces some business challenges, such as stability for her business location. She will use the proceeds to improve her house. She wishes to buy her own car to help transport her merchandise.”

This is our 40th KIVA loan!!!

If you’d like to see why these good people have decided to help others through microfinance (loans which are generally too small for the banks to want to bother with), click HERE and head over to the KIVA website to have a gander. There are often free trials on offer so you can get in and see how the whole thing works without committing any of your own readies.If you’d like to see why these good people have decided to help others through microfinance (loans which are generally too small for the banks to want to bother with), click HERE and head over to the KIVA website to have a gander. There are often free trials on offer so you can get in and see how the whole thing works without committing any of your own readies.

KIVA helps entrepreneurs the world over by giving them access to small loans for stock, seed, livestock or repairs. Whatever they need. It’s called microfinance and the loans we make are usually too small for the bigger institutions to consider. The KIVA community pulls together to make up the requested loans, with most people contributing a mere US$25 to any one loan. In time this money is paid back and then we can once again lend the money out to someone else – the same $25 can help many people over a period of time. This is why we love KIVA so much, a small contribution goes a long long way. We’ve put in just over $250 which has helped us fund $900 in borrowings.

If you’d like to check out KIVA for yourself, here’s a LINK. At the moment there’s a promotion going where they let you make a loan using a sponsor’s money, so you can experience what KIVA is all about without spending a cent. We think it’s worth a look – but then we’re big fans of teaching someone to fish rather than giving them a fish. Cheers 🙂

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‘raising a family on little more than laughs’

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