Help Wanted
by“I can’t find her!” she said, the worry in her voice increasing and engaging the interest of mine.
“I can’t find her!” she said, the worry in her voice increasing and engaging the interest of mine.
We were supposed to be out and about on Sydney’s brilliant public transport system looking at all the stuff we missed last time we were here, but instead we’ve spent two days stuck in the caravan park.
Not having done much camping, and certainly no motorhoming, we’re basically making up rules as we go. Well, I am…
Dear dairy industry: This has gone on way too long and people are suffering. Read as, I suffered this one time and I didn’t like it…
“Is that for me?” Tracey asked me this morning as I made myself a coffee. “Not this one,” I muttered. “I didn’t sleep real well last night.” Mistake…
Kiva helps people around the world to help themselves by providing small loans which traditional banking institutions wouldn’t normally be interested in.
Usually I let the kids chose a loan but they’re all in bed now so this month I’ve chosen to help someone who helps make my kids safer every single day – a coffee grower in Honduras.
“Where’s my coffee?” I muttered for the fifth or sixth time. The urgency in my voice was increasing, as was the sinking feeling in my gut. “Where’s my coffee?!”
“Dad!” came a wretched sort of shout from the bedroom. “Dad! It’s gone!”
Naturally, I was instantly alert. Well, I thought ‘it’ is a thing, not a person, and we don’t keep the expensive stuff in the kids’ rooms.
Boggle was the clear favourite this weekend for our 3 middle kids. It’s place assured from the first game when all 3 kids managed to pick out the word POO.
There are things which happen in your life for which you have no satisfactory explanation. Why do you own so many odd socks? Why does the chance of a car breaking down increase the further from home we drive? Why doesn’t my wife want sex every night? Why aren’t all coffee baristas created equal?
I’m so excited. Tracey told me for my birthday this year I’m getting a new coffee machine. I didn’t think we could afford it. Turns out I was right. I’d won it.
I have no idea what I’ve just made, but it tastes good. Closest I can explain it is it’s a bit like an Affogato.