
There was definitely a sheepishness in the way Miss8 approached me tonight.

“Dad,” she whispered. “Have you and Mummy even had S-E-X?”

Yep, she spelled it out.

I looked over her shoulder to where Tracey was sitting at her computer. The screen was forgotten and she was grinning at me with a ‘I’m so glad this is you and not me’ expression.

Given the conspiratorial nature of the discussion, I leaned in.

“How do you think you make babies?” I asked quietly, and received a frown as an initial response.

“Kissing?” she asked tentatively, and behind her I could tell Tracey’s heart nearly burst at the cuteness of this suggestion.

“Try again,” I suggested.

“S-E-X?” Miss8 suggested, although from her tone she didn’t dare believe it.

I gave her a nod in the affirmative. “Yep.”


“I’m afraid so,” I confirmed solemnly.

There was a pause as she took this in.

“Eeee-ewwwww!!” she bellowed. “That means you’ve had S-E-X seven times!”

And then she ran off. Which I was really okay with.

“Can’t wait until you explain you’re not successful every time you have S-E-X,” grinned Tracey.

I didn’t know I was meant to be. Talk about moving the goalposts.

Our family’s newest card game find – Exploding Kittens. Awesome.


 ~ raising a family on little more than laughs ~

1 Comment

  • My grandmother told my mum once that you only have S-E-X to have babies, and that she’d only done it 7 times because it doesn’t always work. My poor grandfather!

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