My big gift for Fathers Day this year was a huge surprise in that it wasn’t beer. Not even a stubby.
Instead, Tracey and the kids have shouted me two tickets to the Sting and Paul Simon concert in January, which I’m super excited about.
“Paul Simon has some great songs,” I told the kids as we lay on the bed for Mummy to take our photo, “like Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover.”
“Hinting at something?” asked Tracey.
“We’ll see,” I grinned at her before getting up and looking under the bed. “Where’s my beer?”
I always get beer for Fathers Day. Always. Because I get beer anyway every couple of weeks and it means we don’t waste money on stuff I don’t need.
Beer issues aside, the best part of this Fathers Day was having my sleep in and listening to the family trying to be coy outside the bedroom door.
“Let’s pretend we don’t have any presents.”
“Let’s pretend we don’t know it’s Fathers Day.”
“Let’s go to McDonalds and leave Dad home by himself.” Essentially pretending they don’t have a father.
Some highlights of my day so far have been the handmade presents, including those ‘why I love you’ letters the teachers organize for, I’m certain of this, their own amusement.
Like Miss7’s letter, where she filled in the gaps at the end of sentences:
I love you because you dance like a ballerina. And, When I feel sad you smack me.
Ummm…. I think that last one is the other way around.

And Master9’s little reveal:
I love you more than bananas, more than apples, and even more than oranges. Now that’s special, because the boy loves his fruit. And, I love it when you help me annoy Mum. What can I say? It’s a gift.
“Was this the best Fathers Day ever?” the kids wanted to know.
“Are you kidding?” I exclaimed. “I’ve got two tickets to see Sting and Paul Simon! I’m over the moon.”
“Who are you taking, Daddy?” Miss7 wanted to know.
“I haven’t decided yet,” I told her. “But I guess it will be whoever buys me a carton of beer by the end of today.”
Meanwhile I’ll occupy myself doing pirouettes around the kitchen trying to cheer Miss7 up with a couple of those smacks she loves so much about me.
Happy Fathers Day to all you menfolk out there. Have yourselves a great day.

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“Raising a family on little more than laughs.”