I also have great melons

This week we bought a wee sack of potatoes from The Marketman – 20kg for an equally wee $20. The supermarket price this week is $1.98/kg, so 50% saving there. It’ll keep us in gloriously cheap mash for a few weeks.

Correctly stored potatoes can last 2-4 weeks in pantry or refrigerator past the sell by date. But up to a couple of months if you don’t mind picking off the eyes.

We also picked up 6 rockmelons for $2 each – supermarket price this week $5.94, so 65% discount for me 🙂 I came home from work today and two of them are already goneskies. Tracey said she’s hidden the remaining four or they wouldn’t be here for the weekend. I think she means she’s hidden the remaining four or they wouldn’t be here for HER. Correct me if I’m wrong. No? Nothing? Just as I thought.
I can’t recommend buying bulk fruit and vegetables enough. We buy boxes of apples and oranges and mandarins and grapes and cherries and mangoes and lychees and nectarines – whatever’s in season.

Find a green grocer who will do you a fantastic deal or boxes of fruit or bags of spuds. Don’t be a nuisance, and make sure you laugh at their jokes. It’s good PR and you want fantastic deals.

If you haven’t got enough big eaters to make this work for you, find a family or two and divide the boxes up. You’ll save money. You’ll eat better.

Plus you’ll have lovely bowls of fruit all around the kitchen and your friends will think you’re setting up for a Better Homes & Gardens shoot.


  • Hi Cassy. For our major purchase each week we use a bloke who goes to the
    Brisbane markets each week, but prior to that we used Gingers on Southside when lovely Sandra was there. Look around town, find one whose quality is right up there (v important) and approach them 🙂 Hope that helps.

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