Wild weather elbowing its way down the east coast of Australia has been causing havoc.
Locally we’ve had trees pulled out liked weeds and dumped on the ground and so much water in the catchment area the river has risen and reclaimed much of the main street and low lying lands.
Waters rose much quicker than during the last flood, which still gave most businesses the better part of a day to prepare. As usual, the town rallied to save businesses and help minimize the damage. I really feel for these businesses: many are already hurting from the poor financial climate.
PC Place yesterday
PC Place 24 hours later (the thin black line is the roof)
A branch (which itself is as big a tree) on my son’s girlfriend’s mother’s house. It’s just occurred to me we really need a word for your son’s girlfriend’s mother.
My work. Last flood we avoided the festy waters by a few centimeters. Not so lucky this time. The good news is I’ve checked and our coffee machine is A-OK.
This boat is usually up on blocks on dry land. I think it’s being built there. Methinks today might have been a good day to launch.
One of two bridges which connects the two sides of town.
This is the other one.
Now I’m wondering if this is some sort of over the top marketing ploy. Too much guys.
A sign suggesting people walk on water?
Ambulances waiting for the SES boat to ferry patients across the flooded river.
These guys don’t seem to slow down. The SES are awesome.
You never know what’s gone on under the flood water, best not to drive through.
Local watering hole.
There’s always a couple out to test how much sewerage is in the water.
Well named. They didn’t move a thing out.
Walking the train tracks to get home. Not us. Crazy people. With my coordination I’d be in the drink.
Only way you’d know there was a road there is because of the traffic lights. I understand why Atlantis has been so hard to find now. No traffic lights.
You’ve flooded it, mate. Maybe if you turned the wipers on.
Too little. Too late.
You can’t spot the river in this one. It’s under all that water.
Car & dog wash on the left. They’re giving it away.
If it weren’t for the aircon units you wouldn’t know there were buildings under there.
An aerial shot by Craig Warhurst.
Me helping Miss9 have a look at the floods.
Thanks to everyone who has sent their messages of concern and offered help. Thanks also to all the emergency workers who are out there doing what they do so well. And finally, thanks to Karen Jackson, Shane Lutton and Vicki Bowles who agreed to let me post their photos.
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‘raising a family on little more than laughs’
Wow Bruce. just… wow. It’s amazing to think just how devastating the 2011 floods were two years ago, and to think that these ones have been higher in so many places. Glad you and your family are okay.
and, is “future in-law” too presumptuous? LOL
Future-in-law. I like it 😀 Though would only work for girlfriends/boyfriends you actually approve of
Tracey has just suggested we call them smothers 🙂
We call them outlaws…..inlaws and outlaws, but I think ‘smothers’ is hilarious!
Hope it dries up soon. Glad to note coffee machine is a-ok. Phew! Take care.
Wow! Thinking of you guys down here in Canberra! Stay safe
the “other” inlaws ;-)………stay high n dry!!!!
Humorous as always, Bruce. Thanks for sharing.
🙂 thanks Kylie
I’m impressed that you actually have power and/or 3G coverage to blog with! Just been caught without power for 2 days in Brisbane.
I thought we’d lose power at some point for sure, but our luck held.
Thanks so much for the cheerfulness. Great humour because it’s not derogatory like so much supposed humour.
Thanks Ron 🙂