I have a confession. I’ve been collecting Bruce Devereaux’s for a couple of years now.
It’s a hobby of mine. Every few months I type in my name to Facebook and send off friend requests. I have them all now, except one old fella from Seattle who’s been holding out despite my nice messages, which run along the lines of:
Hi 🙂 I’m collecting all the like named Bruce Devereaux’s on the Facebook with a view to world domination and recipe swapping. Want to join the fun?
Maybe it’s a generational thing.
But it’s not just a name I share with others in this great big beautiful world. It seems some handsome devils are lucky enough to share my face.
They say we all have a double and it seems, if you look at the photo above, I’ve found my doppelganger. Well, not found so much as seen a picture of.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been confused with someone else. When I was at university I had a very nice looking young lady come bounding up to me in the local shopping precinct and declare the previous night to have been ‘amazing’ before my blank stare gave me away.
“Conrad?” she asked, looking even more deeply into my clueless eyes.
As it turns out, I went to high school with Conrad and never once thought we looked alike. But obviously, in a certain light, from a certain angle, drinking a certain amount of alcohol, we’re dead ringers.
Sadly for me, however, this sweet young lady didn’t fancy Conrad just for his movie star good looks because she stammered, “Oh my god, you’re not Conrad!” and ran off embarrassed, never to be seen by me again, while I made a mental note to store the story away for a day, thirty years hence, when the internet would flood my world and I could use it as fodder for a blog piece. Guess I can tick that box now.
But this is different.
The shot at the top of the page was taken very recently (within the last two weeks) and sent to me by a Big Family Little Income reader, Ron, with the message ‘Hey, Bruce, did you photo bomb my cousin in LA airport?’
The bloke in glasses drinking a beer on the next table looks so handsome in this photo my own mother thought it was me!
Of course, she also thought the man in the picture below looked a lot like me too.
“I was reading this book and there you were,” said my mum. She’s got odd tastes in books – it was Hidden Evidence by David Owen and that’s a killer by the name of Stephen Bradley.
Thanks, Mum 🙂
So anyway, as you can imagine, I am mad keen to at least try to find a name to go with the gorgeous face in the pic (close up below) in the vane hope that he isn’t in fact wearing prison break orange and is a nice decent sort of a guy, albeit one who throws himself into the background of other people’s holiday snaps.
Who am I kidding, I’ve done that! It’s like we were separated at birth!
So in the spirit of six degrees of separation, I’m asking everyone who reads this post to please take a good look at the guy in the glasses and see if you know him, and if you don’t to share with anyone who might have any reason to know someone who was travelling through LA airport a couple of short weeks ago.
I mean, how hard can this be? We can do this!! I think we have it in the bag.
Oh, and if anyone knows a Bruce Devereaux from Seattle, tell him to accept my damn Facebook friend request. He’s holding up the New World Order.

Our ’BIG FAMILY little income’ Facebook Page
’raising a family on little more than laughs’
I don’t know your doppelgänger, but I reckon I know the person being bombed (or I know that persons doppelgänger)
Stranger things have happened Caitie 😉
Bruce! He even cranes his neck to get in any photo op like you do! Lol! Definitely a doppelganger!
He’s got the right moves, Kimmy 😀
I’ve always thought you look like Nigel Latta sans glasses 🙂
I’m about to go look that name up on Youtube and all I’m saying is he better be an underwear model or similar 😉
mmm…..at least he’s smart lol