So I Think I Can Dance


I’ve been waiting to do this all day.

“Charlotte!” I called out. She’s my son’s girlfriend. They’ve moved in with us for a few months while they work through a contract Master24 has nearby. It’s been great for getting to know her and for the family to spend some wonderful time with the oldest son.

Although, I’m not really sure it’s everything Charlotte thought it would be.

“Would you mind drawing a big bum on my nose?” I asked her when she popped her head out of her room.

“Wha-?” she stammered. Which is really the only correct response to that sort of question.

I showed her a couple of videos which have been popping into my feed and making me giggle. She only had one question.


“Because it looks like fun,” I said. “And I have a nose which was made for twerking. It’s big. It’s malleable. It’s totally a nasally sort of Minaj.” I grinned at her in a way she wasn’t. “I’ll might even post it on the blog. Let’s do it,” I said, handing her a marker.

“How many posts do you want from this?”

“Just the one.”

“Well,” she said, handing the pen back to me, “can I suggest we don’t use a permanent marker?”

That’s why I involved her. She’s sensible.

So here’s my effort at face bum dancing, or whatever it’s called, with the family contributing music.

All the kids had a go at playing puppet master to my buttface, and agreed it was a big giggle. I recommend it to anyone.

Tracey’s response to all this?

“You’re good at this,” she told me while filming. “But then you’ve always been a bit of a ass.”


Try this at home. It’s a riot.

“Raising a family on little more than laughs”

Sharing is caring. Plus it really does make a difference. Thanks heaps.


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