Well it’s that time of year when our little family gathers in a corner of the house to resurrect our 1980’s Christmas tree from out it’s battered, dusty cardboard box.
And YES, this photo is of our tree. It looks Christmas-card-worthy because my wife took it, carefully avoiding all the crappy homemade decorations made from toilet rolls and egg cartons (which I know make the tree really personal and the kids love it, but come on teachers, would it kill you to have the kids bring something nice home).
The tree went up without a hassle…..well almost. As usual Miss15 wanted to place the angel on the top of the tree but we insisted Miss7 get the honours this year, since it was her turn and all. I think Miss15 is pissed that the more kids we have the less often she gets to do it. Ah, well. There might be a couple of dozen good reasons for us to stop having kids but that ain’t one of them.
After the decorations were up we posed for a family shot and then erected a play pen around the tree to keep Miss0 away.
A fun night 😀