Miss8 looked into her purse.
“And this is all my money?” she asked us.
Tracey assured her it was.
We were about to head for the show. Let’s be clear. The show is my favourite time of the year. Rides, show bags, lights. It is awesome.
The kids love it, so I love it.
But….taking five kids, it can be expensive. Which is why we give each of them fifty dollars and let them chose their own way to spend it – show bags, rides or games of chance.
But, of course, there’s another option.
“And if I don’t spent it?” asked Miss8.
Tracey said she could keep it.
After all, it’s an important lesson. Take the impulsive buying route and it’s all gone. Save a little for later and you might get what you really want.
“Well, I’m not spending it,” said Miss8.
Our chests might have swelled a little with pride.
“That’s very sensible,” said Tracey, finding her voice first.
We both thought we’d finally got through to her – save your money for the things that matter to you, not just junk.
She put her purse back into her draw.
“You’re just going to have to pay for everything,” she told us.
So maybe next year. Maybe.
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It really does make a difference. Thanks.
“Raising a family on little more than laughs”
hehehehe.. sounds like a little 4-almost-5 yo I know and love..
Hard to argue with them smarts lol
I just found your blog, by random surfing while I avoid sleep again.
How delightful it was for me to happen upon another family with one boy and four girls. Really does make me happy.
My boy is the eldest though, I’ve only read three posts but it looks like your boy is number two?
So glad I found you, I know I have found a winner even after those 3 posts 🙂
He sure is. Actually there’s another two older kids as well – Master23 and Miss20, who have both moved out now and started their adult lives. Love that you’ve found us and I hope I get to enjoy your comments down the track 😀