“Why do girls get so excited about clothes?” asked Master10.
He was sitting on our bed as Tracey pulled out all manner of garments for the girls – tops, jackets, leggings, skirts, dresses.
My wife had driven me to the Sunshine Coast Airport so we’d stopped at Sunshine Plaza to check our credit cards were working while we waited for my flight. The good news is they were. The bad news….
“How many clothes do they need?” I asked my wife as we filled a trolley. I mean, I know we have a lot of kids but still. “Are they naked at home?”
“It’s a change of season,” explained Tracey.
“Yeah, but it’s not our first winter. Don’t we do hand me downs anymore?”
In the end I think our girls scored thirty new items between them.
Much to the amazement of Master10.
“They’re just clothes,” he said, in what sounds suspiciously like an echo of me.
Which was the point when Tracey reached into the last bag for the last item of clothing.
“So you don’t want these?” she asked him, pulling out a pair of boy’s jeans.
Suddenly he was off the bed and on his feet, happy and super, squealy excited.
“Oh my god, Mum! Thank you! They’re just what I wanted!”
Everyone looked at him. In the silence that followed his face turned a grinning shade of guilty.
“Yes, okay,” he told his mum and sisters, “I see what I did there.”
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“Raising a family on little more than laughs”