Yay!! Miss4 turned 5 today so it’s another year closer to her and her siblings moving out of home and letting me SLEEP!

Yesterday Grandma Judy took her to the shops to buy a present and it took hours because my little poppet was stopping any and everyone in their tracks to explain about how “DOMORROW IS MY BIRDDAY! DER WHOLE DAY! I’M GOING DO HAB CAKE ANNA PARDY AND NODS OF PESENDS.” For the first three years of her life I had no idea what she was saying. For a while I toyed with the idea she was speaking in tongues or a foreign language she’d picked up watching Dora or SBS.
I still can’t understand about a third of what comes out her mouth, and when she gets excited and squeals her sentences I’m even more lost. But she’s getting better.
Or I am.

This morning, as Miss5 five pulled out clothes and dolls and all manner of presents from her birthday bag and tossed them delightedly on the floor, she was literally yelping with joy.
It’s my favourite part of the day. The culmination of all the expectation of wonderful things laid out for us all to see. But it’s not only Tracey who gets excited – the kids do to!

From there she had a party in the park with lots of school friends. She wore one of her new dress ups and looked gorgeous. I know this because I managed to swap a lunch and race over in time for the cake cutting, which was special. Then McDonalds for dinner with our extended family.
A great day, and you could see she really felt special today (not an easy task when there’s so many and so many of them are young and needy).

In bed tonight I asked her what her favourite thing about today was, expecting one of her presents, or the playing in the park, but she surprised the heck out of me with her response.
“You, Daddy!” she squealed and gave me a big hug. Although it is possible she might have been squealing ‘You Tatty!’ I think it’s safe to assume not in this instance.
I love being her dad. Happy birthday, you little Molster.
super dooper cute!!!
im glad molly had a great day! my girls enjoyed the party 🙂