We become our parents, right?
When the above photo went up on Facebook on Friday it received the following comment from a long time family friend:
Wow Bruce thought I was looking at a Geoff Devereaux moment!
Geoffrey Snr that is – my dad. The funny thing was, once it was put out there I couldn’t not see this. And then I started to wonder if I am indeed turning into my father. And then I started to wonder if maybe I should be worried about that.
Then, as if in answer to my silent query, something else happened on Friday. When I arrived home Tracey told me about a conversation she had with the skip bin delivery man (we’re having a bunch of trees removed from our yard at the moment). When he looked at her name on the credit card he suddenly became very chatty.
“You wouldn’t happen to be related to the Devereaux’s down the road?” the driver asked my wife, pointing in the general direction where my parents live.
Oh, no, I thought when Tracey got to this bit in her story. What has he done now? Because it would only be my dad.
But she assured me the driver was smiling as her chatted.
It turns out my dad apparently books him to mow the lawn but they have an arrangement where this bloke always has to call up before he comes.
“It looks like she’s changed her appointment,” my dad might whisper into the phone. “Can you make it tomorrow at 10?”
And the reason for all this cloak and dagger stuff?
When Mum arrives home Dad claims to have done the yard work himself but instead has been sitting inside watching telly and drinking beer.
Do we become our parents? Oh boy, I hope so.

Amused? Please repay by sharing with your friends 🙂
When not over here, Bruce hangs out at his Big Family Little Income Facebook Page.
”Raising a family on little more than laughs.”