Happy Endings


We’ve found the trouble with having lots of kids and adults at any sort of function is everyone kind of assumes, because there’s so many adults around, the kids are fine and cared for. I mean, with so many eyes watching over them, what could happen?

Mr Handy


A broken leg, the flood, the vomits progressively going through the kids and back to school have all synced together to give us an exhausting week. But I could have handled that.What has undone us is our littlest miss. She had her first birthday on Tuesday (oh yes, add that to the mix as well) and has decided sleeping at night is now optional. Again, this wouldn’t have been so bad except her cot is in our room.

The Clean Police


Earlier this week, Master21 and his housemates arrived home to find themselves in a bit of a predicament: they’d ALL gone out without their house keys. Being university students, the intellectual cream of youth, they’d also neglected to hide a spare key somewhere in the yard.