I’m really excited about the KIVA loan we’ve made this month. It’s one thing to help someone start or improve a business, but this week we’re helping families in Laos improve their water quality. Here’s what the KIVA application had to say:
Vhaneevong’s village takes water from relatively shallow wells and from local streams; however, the water from natural sources in Vhaneevong’s village is dirty and unsuitable for drinking without treatment. The nearby villages also suffer from dirty and unsafe drinking water.
Vhaneevong is excited that he, like his group members, has been able to purchase a water filter.
Most families report a threefold reduction in diarrhea after they begin using the filter. This is because the filter removes bacteria and other waterborne diseases. Even though some people in the village are able to buy bottled water, the water filter increases disposable income to users by decreasing the amount of money used to purchase bottled water. Vhaneevong and other filter users also see a decrease in the amount of money spent on boiling water: they buy less charcoal or wood and spend less the time foraging for firewood.
Plus they’ll save on toilet paper 🙂
Here’s what KIVA has to say about itself:
How we do it
Making a loan on Kiva is so simple that you may not realize how much work goes on behind the scenes.
Kiva works with microfinance institutions on five continents to provide loans to people without access to traditional banking systems. One hundred percent of your loan is sent to these microfinance institutions, which we call Field Partners, who administer the loans in the field.
Kiva relies on a world wide network of over 450 volunteers who work with our Field Partners, edit and translate borrower stories, and ensure the smooth operation of countless other Kiva programs.
How we’re funded
100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes directly towards funding loans; Kiva does not take a cut. Furthermore, Kiva does not charge interest to our Field Partners, who administer the loans.
Kiva is primarily funded through the support of lenders making optional donations. We also raise funds through grants, corporate sponsors, and foundations.
We are incredibly thankful for the support that has enabled us to do the work that has touched the lives of so many people.
Our family has now made 201 US$25 Kiva loans to people in 63 different countries valued at US$5025. The vast majority of these loans were made using money which had been repaid to us from our initial loans (yes, they pay you back!). We love Kiva. The kids learn about the world and their privileged place in it and how they can make a difference just by doing something as simple as caring. Want to know more? Here’s a link.
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“Raising a family on little more than laughs”