“Did you have a good sleep last night?” Nanny asked Tracey this morning.
She’d agreed to have Master10 and Miss8 stay over last night.
Naturally this meant we phoned Grandma and asked her if she’d like Miss11, Miss5 and Miss3 for a sleepover as well so we could get some work done on our computers. Rather wonderfully, she said yes.
So then we went shopping and had sushi! Does anyone else do this, or are we just bad parents?
“I slept great,” Tracey told her mum.
We both did. I had to work and didn’t even crawl out of bed until 8am. That’s heaven right there.
“Well, I didn’t sleep at all,” snapped Nanny.
Apparently Master10 woke the old girl up with a stomach pain and then and after that an insect touched her face.
“I slapped it away and it said, ‘owww’,” said Nanny. Miss8 was sleep walking. Yet again. “I had the worst night’s sleep.”
Why does she think we’re so happy when she let’s them stay there?
So tonight, as they were sleeping over again and Nanny was tired, we took them takeaway, or as Tracey referred to it, Meals On Wheels. This is definitely something we want to encourage- we need to steal more of Nanny’s sleep.
Plus, with Christmas looming we’ve got a lot more shopping to do.
~ raising a family on little more than laughs ~
Bad Parents? If you are, I was also. and I know quite a few more that fit the same category. Quite a few people said we were bad parents for doing that, but I noticed that most of the critics were not even parents, good or bad