Miss16 pulled out a heap of craft stuff and helped the little ones cut and glue mail boxes tonight so they can send letters to each other.
Miss7, Master5 & Miss3 had a fantastic time pulling their creation together and there’s talk of letters to be written and sent.
There’s no prize for best of show. Thankfully. The end result doesn’t even have to resemble whatever it is they say it is. The main thing is they have fun.
Miss16 is a fantastic big sister because she knows how important these joint projects are in building relationships. In a couple of years both her and Master19 will be living elsewhere, getting on with their lives. They might be down the road or in another country. Neither wants to be a vague recollection in their siblings’ childhoods.
Well there’s all that, plus Miss16 enjoys a bit of cuttings and pasting herself 🙂