Young Nephew11 played the grand final today in Brisbane and lost by a margin. As I had to pick my mum up from my brother’s and bring her home to G-town I got the chance to watch him play – I was very impressed and surprised at how well he does. Seriously awesome tackles and reading of play.
Even more surprising though was his mother’s vocal support from the sidelines. I’ve always seen Shell as relatively laid back. Well not when there’s footy on, it seems. Great cheering, Shell. I reckon six of those points were yours 😉
Oh, and I won a meat tray – gave it to Master19, who’d joined us for the game and sushi.
When not typing away over here and checking his stats every two minutes Bruce Devereaux hangs out at his ‘BIG FAMILY little income’  Facebook Page.
 ’raising a family on little more than laughs’
Thanks Uncle Bruce Mums not too impressed though!