Picked up some bulk fruit & veg from The Marketman. We love having ample fruit in the house so the kids can eat as much as they like, whenever they like. Knowing how my lot will hoe into this lot, they should be able to work up a nice little dutch oven in their bedrooms tomorrow night. Having a huge stock of potatoes is not only great because it forms a staple in our diet, but they’ll also be handy for pacifying marauding Irishmen, should the need ever arise.
Box of small red delicious apples $25
Box of navel oranges $18
20kg sack of potatoes $20
6 strawberry punnets $15
2 Pineapples FREE (because he’s a great guy)
If you can’t make it to the fresh produce market yourself, see if someone in your area goes regularly. Someone must be buying for all the restaurants and fruit shops. Or work a deal with a green grocer for a box of fruit every fortnight or week.
So far tonight I’ve had an apple, two oranges and a punnet of strawberries (the kids are getting a punnet each for lunch tomorrow) Best $78 we’ve spent in a long time 🙂