Pretty sure you’ll all agree, nothing says doing good quite like a Batstache.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and made what could quite easily, given Tracey’s every early intentions, have been a kanoodleless month into so much fun. What’s more, to date we’ve raised $437 for the Movember cause! Makes it worth being a bit itchy and scratchy.
Most of all I’d like to thank Camping And Outdoors for inviting me to participate and their support throughout the month – they donated 50c from every transaction into the coffers.
It’s not too late if anyone would like to contribute, and I don’t mean necessarily to me. If you know someone who is doing Movember send them a couple of dollars for their efforts and to show support for their wives or partners – they’re the ones who have really suffered 😉

If you enjoyed this post please share, like or comment.
It really does make a difference Thanks.
“Raising a family on little more than laughs”
How does one donate to you. ?
If you click on the word Movember it’ll take you to the link Susan 🙂 and thank you !!!
Hi Bruce done it. Your mo looks good are u going to shave it off soon or keep it for awhile.
Thank you Susan!!
It will be gone before work tomorrow. I miss proper kisses from my wife where she doesn’t yelp. No doubt I’ll be fighting coldsores all next week once I shave – ah well lol
That actually looks amazing. What skill.
Batstache! I love it! Well, figuratively anyway…
Just discovered your blog and am immensely enjoying your humorous renditions of everyday events 🙂
Movember is such a great cause. So is fanuary. All wives will rock it.