Call Me Izziah

Four generations in one photo.
Four generations in one photo.

When I think back over the years, I have suffered greatly at the hands of grandparents who think everyone in the world needs to see and admire their grandchildren, as if simply glimpsing an image of their grandchild will lift the spirits and soothe the soul of this stranger in a lift or lined up at a checkout.

Well buckle up world, because now it’s my turn and I intend on milking it – at least for this post anyway.

Because Tracey can’t really travel at the moment, my mum accompanied me on a quick fly-in fly-out to Perth to meet the latest member of our family – my first grandchild, my mum’s first great grandchild. Tracey was extremely jealous so under the guise of wanting to share the experience with her and make sure she didn’t feel left out I took the chance to really rub it in by sending photos and videos at every opportunity.

Although I was only there for a little over 24 hours, it was awesome. Seriously every little bit as awesome as I’d expected. I got to feed my little grandson and change his nappy (twice!) and hug my daughter and tell her in person how wonderful she’s going to be at mothering and basically just soak up the whole thing.

At the moment the oddest thing about being a Pop is the totally undeserved sense of achievement. I really don’t know why I feel like I’ve achieved anything and deserve praise, but I do.

As you can see, my grandson is beautiful. Perfect, in fact, with his littleness and cuteness and wonderfulness. All those usual things babies are.

Only, importantly, he’s ours! Or most specifically, mine.

Which means I get to be that grandparent.

So, let’s play ball…

I want you to imagine me pulling my wallet out of my pocket and opening it up to show you a clear plastic leaf harbouring the photo of the most beautiful little baby you’ve ever seen.

Remember, I’m watching your face for the appropriate facial cues you’re suitably awed. You will be, I know this, because this child makes my heart sing, so you won’t be able to resist.

At this point you’re thinking, ‘I’ll just smile and oooh and this’ll be over quickly,’ but then….

…flippety, floppety, flip, flip, flop, fump…

…the photo jumps out of the wallet with all the daring and purpose of a base jumper, revealing a ridiculous length of connecting clear plastic sheaths, each with seemingly a slightly different angle of the same moment (remember this baby is less than a week old, so not a lot of opportunities for variety yet) cascading all the way to the floor.

Welcome to my wallet. For the sake of authenticity, don’t forget to imagine I’m grinning at you like a…well, like a first time grandparent.

On our way. I got to watch TWO movies with the only interruption being a nice man asking if I’d like a coffee refill.


Smiling for the camera. The kid’s a natural.


I sat next to Izziah for his first car ride. MILESTONE!
I sat next to Izzy for his first car ride. MILESTONE!



I attempted the clever foot shot, but I am no photographer
I attempted the clever foot shot, but I am no photographer



I’m calling it, cutest baby ever.

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“Raising a family on little more than laughs.”


  • Congratulations Pop!!! I currently have a 3 week old son and totally get the photo thing… I see your wallet encyclopaedia and raise you a pretty much full external hard drive 😉

    They grow so quickly though and as a parent or even proud grandparent you just want to capture EVERY LITTLE THING so you don’t forget them… Our little man (Zachary) is our 5th and final baby and I already look forward to being a grandparent…

    • I love you write ‘fifth and final’ lol Congrats to you too, Gab. Babies are lovely. If I had overies they would be exploding.

  • Oh I so get you with the photo thing. I showed complete strangers, from the lovely pathology nurse to the drive through attendant at Maccas, my “album” of photos of my triplet grandbabies. It was like I birthed them myself, I took all the kudos for there being three of them

    Now they’re about to start school and are just gorgeous. You are going to have so much fun.

    Well done Pop!

  • Awww he is perfect and your daughter makes a beautiful Mum. You should be proud!! Well done to you all. You did achieve something – raised your daughter who has turned into a beautiful mother!

  • Congratulations Pop! I need to know how to say his name in my head when I read it…. is it pronounced eye-z-eye-a? eye-z-ay-a? Enquiring minds, you understand 😀

  • Not Severus then??
    Congrats to all!! Well done Mischi!! You will be an awesome mother!! Forever more to walk around with your heart outside your body!! ????

  • He’s beautiful!! And I think you can be proud that your daughter and her man picked out an awesome name for their little man (I mean it’s no Severus lol)
    Enjoy being a Pop and I can’t wait to see the post where Izzy gets to meet is 3-year-old auntie 😀

  • Congratulations, and enjoy the many years to come when your daughter talks/moans/boasts to you about her gorgeous boy and yuo can look knowingly at Tracey an go “uh-huh…..I wonder where he gets it from”, or “gosh, I can’t think of another little person who might have done that when she was a baby” etc etc etc. So many wonders of Grandparent-hood to come

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