Tracey was going through some old photos on one of our hard-drives – we have several terabytes of photos because a kid can’t pass wind in this house without Tracey wanting to capture the moment for posterity.
“What a dreadful photo!” I exclaimed when a particularly nasty one of me crossed the screen. I was yawning on account of it being late and Tracey was keeping me out of bed to help her set up a photo shoot. “Get rid of that.”
“I’ll fix it for you,” said Miss8.
Tracey has been fiddling with photos and making them better for years, with the help of Photoshop. Colours are enhanced and wrinkles removed – guess which one makes her more popular with her clients? More recently Tracey has been showing Miss8 how to use Photoscape, which my daughter loves.
“Okay then,” I said to Miss8. If she could do something with this photo, I figured, we might have ourselves a budding genius photo editor on our hands. Although I didn’t hold much hope.
A few minutes later she was done.

“What do you think, Daddy?” she asked me.
She’s a natural!!
I think there’s career potential in this, I really do. I’ve gone from tired and weary to looking as fresh as a purple daisy.
“I look fabulous,” I told her. Now to get her working on pruning my waste.
When not typing away over here and checking his stats every two minutes
Bruce Devereaux hangs out at his ‘BIG FAMILY little income’ Facebook Page.
’raising a family on little more than laughs’