Girilambone NSW


As I’d half a moment earlier spotted the dilapidated old railway station by the side of the Mitchell Hwy a disaster caused by my body reacting to Tracey’s outburst by instantly going rigid and ploughing us off the road was narrowly avoided.

I pulled in opposite the Girilambone general store.

“Everyone out!” Tracey said, tearing her own belt off and racing to the back of the bus for her camera.

We’d talked about looked for backdrops like this many times while planning this trip. The one disappointment in terms of photos was the time of day we found it – the sun was high in the sky. But of course, that didn’t stop us. It’s moments like this we’ve most been looking forward to. Little nuggets of outback beauty we can capture and enjoy.

What nearly stopped us was the kids.

“I’m not going anywhere near that place,” said Miss13.

“Me either,” said Master12. “I’m thinking snakes. I’m thinking spiders.”

“I’m thinking you’ll do what you’re told,” I said.

The only one really keen to get amongst it was Miss5, which made for some repetitive and – from my usual position standing quietly and unobtrusively out of the way – amusing instructions from my wife.

“Stand there. Right there. Come on, move. Not you! Come back! Now get inside there. Just two steps, that’s all I’m aski-come back out here! The floor could give way at any moment! Come back! You, go in. In! No, the floor is fine. Why would you think that?”

Fifteen minutes later we were back on our bus and heading south again, with Tracey skimming happily through the images on the back her Canon while telling me, “We’ll have to keep our eyes out for more of these places.”

I know I will.

Mainly in the hope I’ll again spot them half a second before my overenthusiastic, shutter-happy wife.

You can maybe understand their reluctance.

Check out my awesome tee. One of my favs.

Miss10 was keen for a window shot but couldn’t quite get up by herself. Tracey took the photo anyway.

Look how neat it was kept. It’s a shame, but also rather wonderful to see it in its current state.
I took some photos too. This was of a milk crate I found which is now housing our car tie downs when we take the car off the trailer to look around. #cleanupAustralia
And this was my usual finger shot. One for the wall.

Raising a family on little more than laughs

– this post is not sponsored or gifted –


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