BIG family life

The blog posts which probably mean more to us than you. Our day to day stuff which, one day, our kids will look back on and laugh at. Or use in court. Or talk about with their psychiatrists.

RIP Jazz


Because clearly our kids haven’t suffered enough these past six months, last week the fates took our beautiful doggy Jazz from us.

The School Run


I know there are some people out there who think setting an alarm for 7.45am on a school day is pretty good, but I’ve always suspected we can do better…

A Room Of Her Own


Sometime just after Christmas Tracey and I made the mistake of letting Miss12 overhear a conversation where we were tossing around the idea of rearranging things so she could have some space of her own, rather than sharing with Miss8 and Master10.

Tough Love


Suddenly, amidst the screams and giggles, a shadow appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on in here?” my wife asked me, which was odd because I wasn’t the one screaming or giggling.

Pillow Talk – Part Two


I think the first thing I should mention, before I get into tonight’s post, is Tracey’s Mum and I get along just fine and there is no emotional tug-of -war or uncomfortable silences when I’m with her. Historically speaking.