Little Miss7 has finally lost both her front teeth, much to her delight.
Much of that delight, it must be said, is due to the exorbitant price a simple tooth is demanding from the
Tooth Fairy these days.
Things were made worse (more expensive) because of the late levy the Tooth Fairy had to pay for Miss7’s latest tooth because silly Mummy (nice passing of the blame here) forgot to leave a window open enough for the little flutterbug to get in, so the tooth was left out in a glass of water the first night and not picked up. Dear me.
You’d think with so many kids we’d be onto that by now.
When not typing away over here and checking his stats every two minutes,
Bruce Devereaux hangs out at his ‘BIG FAMILY little income’ Facebook Page.
’raising a family on little more than laughs’