Pallet Furniture – I Could So Do This


We are all about recycling in our household, and not just by filling the second bin every fortnight for council.

Towels become rags. Clothes and bikes are passed down. Vegetable peels become worm food. Scraps become dog food. Boxes become toys.

And I don’t want to skite but it’s been happening around here way before it became cool – like when my first wife finished with me and Tracey took me home and did me up for herself! Waste not, want not.

Which is maybe why I LOVE the whole idea of recycling pallets into furniture.

Recently my nephew, Blake, and his lovely partner, Makayla, came up with the idea of making themselves a bookshelf and quickly sourced a lady who had four pallets on offer for $5 each.

“We’ll take them,” they said, and drove all the way over to pick them up.

It was only after handing over the money and carrying them to the car they realized the reason a Ford Focus isn’t rated highly, or indeed at all, in lists of the world’s best vans.

“What do we do?” Makayla asked Blake. “Should we drive back and get the Jeep?”

But at this point Blake proved why he belongs in this family.

“We’ll be right,” he said. “I’ve got an idea.”

Which was basically to stomp and pull and reef and break them apart into more manageable kindling-like pieces.

Which is why the bookcase has it’s distinctive, bespoke and oddly appealing top edge.


LOVE this guys. You’re inspiring me. I think, now that I’m to be doing this and SAHDing fulltime, I might start up a crafty-buildy section on the blog and show off my ‘skills’. I’m thinking of calling it Nailed It because I’m not stupid enough to think anything good will come of this and I’m self aware enough to realize I’m more likely going to be building memes to share. But certainly I reckon I can destroy a few pallets with much the same flair and attention to detail you’ve shown – so I figure I’m at least halfway to a new bookshelf, yeah?

On the bright side it will mean I’ll need to buy a hammer (because Tracey is again claiming she can’t remember where she hid mine) so I’m keen.

I’ll just have to make sure I don’t make too much mess around here or Tracey might put me out for a second round of recycling.



 ~ raising a family on little more than laughs ~

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