I love making this soup. Not because it’s easy, although it isn’t hard. And not because it’s quick, because it takes about an hour and a half from start to stop. The reason I love it is that my wife loves it, and I love making her happy.
You will need:
butter, 2 tablespoons
olive oil, splash
leeks, 2, sliced finely
garlic, 2 cloves, crushed
chicken stock, 4 cups
water, 3 cups
potatoes, 1kg, peeled and chopped evenly
cream, thin, 1 cup
STEP ONE: Heat up your butter and oil in a deep sided pan then, when the butter is melted, toss in the leek and garlic and chase the whole mixture around the pan with a wooden spoon until coated.
STEP TWO: Put a lid on the pan and cook over a low heat for 20 minutes, giving it a stir every minute or so.
STEP THREE: Turn up the heat and add the stock, water and potatoes. Once it’s simmering, take off the lid and reduce the heat, cooking the mixture for about half an hour.
STEP FOUR: By now the potatoes are cooked through so remove the pan from the heat entirely and let the whole thing cool while you work out which cupboard the blender is hiding at the back of and how to put the damn thing together.
STEP FIVE: When cool enough you don’t need a doctor if it splashes on your skin, blend the entire mixture in small batches.
STEP SIX: Pour the soup back into the pan and add the cream, stirring while you heat the whole glorious goop to serving temperature (just give it five minutes and you’ll be fine).
STEP SEVEN: You can serve as is or chop up some fresh chives and sprinkle them on each bowl. Either way, expect praise. Or better.
My wife’s standard response to a bowl of this soup is erotically spiritual. She always says, “Oh my god, I farking love you.”
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Or better still, check out my post on how to save huge money on your groceries
“Raising a family on little more than laughs.”
I had no idea this themed website exist. I am a mother of 6 (4 boys, 2 girls aged 15-2 years old) Thank you for the creative mind behind this. I know this will surely inspire and help me in many ways.
At the very least it’ll make you feel normal 🙂
My favourite soup 🙂