My No. 1 Parenting Tip

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I don’t often offer parenting advice because I realize, even after seven children, I generally don’t know what on earth I’m doing.

But having said that, there’s one thing I do know about. And that’s nappies.

I’ve been changing nappies for 23 years now, and for much of that I’ve been looking for the cheapest option because money is at a premium whenever a new baby enters the house. Well, I’m here to tell you the result of all my research.

Don’t waste your time.

Or your money.

Buy the best. Why?

“I do wee,” your child will inform you at 2 in the morning.

“Congratulations,” you’ll mumble. And then, because you’re still half asleep and don’t want to trek halfway through the house to put them back to bed, you’ll say, “Why don’t you jump into bed with us?”

The idea of letting them snuggle in with you is, of course, to save you having to crawl out of your nice, warm bed to march them back into their own room. At least, that’s my logic at stupid o’clock when all I can think about is how little time is left before I have to get out of bed.

Unfortunately though, this is precisely when you’ll discover their nappy reached full capacity half a wee ago and now you’re wet. And your sheets. And your doona. And, I swear this happens every time and it makes no sense, your pillow.

Which means, of course, their sheets, mattress, blanket and pillow are also soaked with wee.

If you’re lucky!

You know how if you add too much milk to your potato the mash just sort of becomes a slop? Well, let’s just say that if there’s anything more numerically advanced than a number one in there may wish to consider new bed linen.

Or changing brands of nappy.

So because you can’t avoid having a toddler waking you up in the middle of the night you need to buy the best nappies you can. You might think you don’t need to worry about what nappies you buy, but you do. You might think this won’t happen to you, but it will

Just take my word for it: Quality is worth paying for.

Unless you can get away with not paying for it.

Coles every day low price on Huggies 30-54 packs of nappies – just $16.

So my parenting advice is to seriously buy the best nappies you can afford. You’re child will sleep longer and better – which means you will too.

There are ways to save on your grocery bill when you have young children and you’re desperately trying to make ends meet, but nappies isn’t one you’ll want to consider.

Trust me on this.

Coles great Everyday Prices don’t end with nappies. MIss11 loves to cook and she’s got her own shelf in the pantry now for ingredients. Check out these great low prices and keep an eye out for red tickets in Coles stores with other great every day prices to help you stick to a budget. Coles brand cocoa $4.15 Western Star butter $2.
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“Raising a family on little more than laughs”


  • I almost agree with you Bruce, I have a 2 year old & use Huggies for overnight and Coles home brand during the day, they even handle the odd no.3 he comes out with. (He’s tall for his age if anyone is wondering).

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