Clothes Dyer

Tracey hates the way I wash our clothes.I don’t blame her. I hate it too.

“They go in dirty, they come out clean,” I told her on the weekend. “What wrong with that?”

“Everything pink!”

What makes this worse is when Tracey first moved in with me I gave her the ‘separate the whites’ lecture. Although I can’t remember this I feel like I was there because of the detail Tracey goes into when she’s retelling the story.

In my defense I would like to point out I do, in fact, separate the whites from the towels from the colours – it’s just sometimes, when I’m down to the last of the pile there isn’t enough for a full load of each. So shoot me, I like an empty laundry basket.

Apparently I also suck at hanging clothes out.

Tracey has developed a system whereby she hangs each child’s clothes together on the line, making it simpler to bring the clothes in and put them straight into the appropriate wardrobes.

I have developed a system whereby regardless of how they’re hung I bring the clothes in and dump them on our bed ready for sorting when she gets home from work.

My trouble is I can’t tell which garment belongs to which child. The sizings are too close. To make things worse, we hand a lot of clothes down, so picturing who I’ve seen wearing a skirt or dress doesn’t help. To make things even worse, everything is pink.

But I guess that bits kind of my fault. Luckily most of our kids are girls 🙂

When not typing away over here and checking his stats every two minutes Bruce Devereaux hangs out at his ‘BIG FAMILY little income’  Facebook Page.

 ’raising a family on little more than laughs’

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  • lol I hate the way my husband does washing too, he does it just like you do!.. oh and I don’t see why the wrinkle free washing cant be folded up from the line and neatly put into the basket instead of frumbling everything up an dumping it! 😉

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