Cat Food Fight


The chance to feed the cat is something the kids always fight over.

“I did it yesterday!” yelled Master10.

“No, you didn’t,” said Miss11. “I did.”

“Well, I filled the water bowl this morning,” said Miss8.

“So did I!” said Miss5.

“No, you didn’t,” said Miss11.

“You don’t know,” said Miss5. “You weren’t there.”

While they bickered, Miss3 was behind them ferreting in the cupboard. Suddenly she was at her siblings side with a tin of cat food in her hands.

“Food,” she said.

And despite their poor start I’m pleased to say the older kids showed their true colours in rallying for their little sister’s chance to feed the cat.

“Aw, look, Dad,” grinned Master10. “We have a winner.”

“It wouldn’t be fair to take it off her and let someone else feed Minion now,” said Miss11.

What sweethearts.

“I do it, Daddy. I do it,” insisted Miss3, trying to tear the lid off.

Fine, I thought. So long as the cat’s fed, who cares?

“No, I’ll do it for you,” I told Miss3, tearing the lid off and handing her the open tin of cat food and watching as she gleefully shuffled off into the other room.

Barely a minute later she was back.

“Ewwwwk,” Miss3 said to me between spits. “Minion food yucky.”

I’m guessing there’ll be no takers to feed the poor cat tomorrow.

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“Raising a family on little more than laughs”

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