Today was a crafty sort of day, although it still included a heavy helping of bike riding: I rode with each of the kids to the post office so they could send a postcard to their friends at school.
While I slept for two hours with little Miss1 (insert big smillie face here), Tracey got the kids involved in some crafty fun: Plaster of Paris of Winnie the Poo characters, and making their own little Zhu Zhu toys, which will no doubt be joining each of them in bed tonight.
We always take a large box of craft stuff with us, like stickers, pom-poms, paints (powder & sauce bottled), pencils, paper, beads, boxes, paddle pop sticks, scissors, string, wool, canvases, glue and cardboard (and we’re increasing our supply toilet rolls every day), so we never have to hear them say they’re bored. It takes up room in the trailer which might otherwise be usefully allocated to beer, but it is worth it for the peace you get while they’re making stuff. And for the thrill on their little faces.
Seriously, the kids were happier, with their jumping up & down and screaming, when Tracey pulled out the craft box than when we announced we were going to walk to the park for ice-blocks.
One of the kids favourite shows on tv these days is Mr Maker, where a guy makes stuff out of cereal packets and toilet rolls. They’re literally glued to the screen (okay, not literally, that would be wrong – although not as wrong as stapling them to something surely). We brought a Mr Maker DVD with us and the only DVD the kids have asked for more has been Another Cinderella Story (well, the girls – it drives Master6 mad).
Best thing about all the crafty stuff is Tracey LOVES doing it with the kids, so I don’t have to 🙂 I get to put Miss1 (and myself) down for her nap.