I was woken this morning, from a perfectly good slumber, by Miss5 screaming, “TODAY IS SAUSAGE SIZZLE DAY!” three inches from my right ear.
Tonight was one of my favourite nights of the year – the Prep Father’s Day Celebration.

What I especially love about this night is I get to a eat a sausage, paint, dance and draw with one of my kids (Miss5 tonight, as she’s the one in prep) and someone else has to clean up the mess. Plus, I get to play with a hammer!

Even though the above photo is blurry, I think Miss5’s fear still comes through pretty clearly. If there was another couple of photos in this series you’d see Miss5 disengage herself from me and cower at the fence behind us. But me, I was having a ball.
So not a lot to write tonight, just a whole lot of fantastic memories. Thank you to my darling little Miss5 for a wonderful evening 🙂
When not typing away over here and checking his stats every two minutes
Bruce Devereaux hangs out at his ‘BIG FAMILY little income’ Facebook Page.
’raising a family on little more than laughs’