BIG blog

The blog, the whole blog and nothing but the blog.

Fresh As a Daisy


I wrote this post on the 19th of December in Yeppoon, and we are still using this product. Tracey has tossed out all the others. They are goneskies. We’re genuine converts.

Thank you to Australian Natural Pyrethrins® for supporting our family and sponsoring this post.



Two things quickly became obvious on our last full day in Wonga Beach. Firstly, we need to avoid Sunday markets like they’re flooded causeways because you don’t know how big the money pit under the dreamy casual surface is until you step in, and secondly…

The Butterfly Eff-ect


“I’m friggin’ bored over here,” Miss4 shocked us by muttering the other day. She was sitting in a seat at the front of the bus and at first we weren’t entirely sure what she’d said. Or rather, we were hoping we’d misheard.

The Latest Buzz


We were helping my sister Kerri and Uncle Daz by testing out the new electric BBQ they had installed in their park. As you can imagine, I’m always happy to help…when there’s food involved. Then this happened…