The Return of Tracey Frankenbowel
byThe photo at the bottom of this post isn’t graphic so much as you’ll probably think ‘holy shit’ when you see it.
The photo at the bottom of this post isn’t graphic so much as you’ll probably think ‘holy shit’ when you see it.
Your on-the-spot reporter, Bruce Devereaux, is keeping you posted.
If you asked me if I’m nervous about Tracey’s operation on Tuesday, I’d say I wasn’t. But I think I’d be lying.
It’s finally time.
This post won’t be for everyone, but Tracey thinks it’s important to step up and stand proud about her body and what it’s been through and how hard it’s fought and how it looks. Personally, I think she’s sexier now than when we started dating twenty years ago.
It’s not all beer and pretzels in the Devereaux household at the moment.