
A Designer Gift


“It’s Grace’s birthday tomorrow!” It was indeed. A point Miss10 had been ramming down our throats with all the sickly, nauseating, annoying repetition of a vinyl record with a scratch just on the bit where they start barking on Who Let The Dogs Out.



“How do you feel about turning 46?” I was asked this morning.

“Doesn’t bother me at all,” I said. I meant it. Thing is, I don’t feel like I’ve aged at all because for the better part of a year I’ve thought I was already 46.



“I heard I made your blog thingame,” Dad told me. Word travels fast – I only put it up eight hours earlier, before going to bed. “Give us a look then.”

I admit I was a little nervous. Aside from Tracey, I’m not used to watching the person I’ve written about, and let’s be honest, often in less than flattering terms, read my posts.