Knock Knock
byI think the biggest issue with having Master24 and his girlfriend living with us for a few months is going to be our children’s contraceptiveness…
I think the biggest issue with having Master24 and his girlfriend living with us for a few months is going to be our children’s contraceptiveness…
Having cats in the house is increasing my stress to new, hitherto unseen levels.
Same Day, Different Shit…
Already I’ve discovered, you’ve got to have deep pockets when you own a cat. Aside from the upfront money to the RSPCA, there’s the litter, litter box, food, necklace, tag, box hire and the exorbitant cost of naming the cat…
Although I suspect I got diddled on the naming fee.
The dropping of the ‘I want a cat’ bombshell has been deployed fairly regularly over the last 15 years to great success in avoiding all manner of housework for a few hours, as I then have to retaliate using my ‘I still don’t’ defensive maneuvers. Things tend to escalate fairly quickly from there.