Keeping it simple
byI get confused and am always calling our kids by the wrong names. I accidentally called out Miss3’s name yesterday but Miss1 arrived. Which was good because it was her I was after Tracey isn’t as pleased with this as I am.
I get confused and am always calling our kids by the wrong names. I accidentally called out Miss3’s name yesterday but Miss1 arrived. Which was good because it was her I was after Tracey isn’t as pleased with this as I am.
“I know what sex is,” our young Miss7 announced in the bath, and Tracey and I froze dead in our tracks
Given the musical bent of our children – they know all the words to Mary Had A Little Lamb and I caught Miss7 tapping her foot the other day – we have decided to buy a piano.
When a kid comes at you with their latest stick figure masterpiece praise the artwork not the artist. Telling a kid their artistic awesomeness…