The Worst Thing About Being A Photographer


As you might imagine, Tracey takes a lot of photos of the kids.

The first year she had a digital camera she clocked up 10,000 happy snaps. We know this for sure because we needed 100 on the last day to reach this mark. Tracey did it by morning tea.

“Send me a photo?” I asked my wife on Thursday night. I was away from home, toughing it out in Sydney with some of the biggest blogging names in this country.

“No,” she said. “You’ll have to use your imagination.”

I feigned shock.

“I meant of you and the kids at the show. Obviously.”

Naturally, on one of the very few occasions I was away from home the Gympie Show had rolled into town. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because Sydney was an absolutely awesome experience, but I did feel a little gypped I was missing seeing those excited little faces when our kids were picking out their showbags and going on rides.

“I’ll send you two,” said Tracey. “One I took of Nanny and the kids, and one she took of me with them.”

When the photos came through I had to laugh. Tracey is always complaining the worst thing about being a photographer is trying to get someone to take a decent photo of you and your family.

This was no exception.

“I don’t know,” I laughed into the phone. “I like it.”

“You only like it because my boobs are in it.”

Am I that obvious?

You know what? I’d like to think all the best husbands are.


Here are our show photos for 2015. I did manage to be home in time to take them out for some fun on Saturday before it all closed down. Not sure who was happier about this – me or the kids (it was me).  I LOVE THIS SHIT! Already looking forward to next year.

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“Raising a family on little more than laughs”


  • My mum is an expert at cutting.heads off in photos too. Got her a digital point and shoot a couple years ago, with screen so she could see what the photo would turn.out like like and she STILL manages to take her ‘creative’ shots.

    • Confession time – I am always zooming in and chopping Tracey’s head off for photos of her boobs or bum. I see it as my way of saying I Love You.

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