Halloween Pumpkin Plan

Last year’s efforts. Impressive, I know 😉

We learned something about Halloween last year – don’t buy your pumpkins until the last minute.

Local supermarkets have been selling them for about $20 each this week but we know tomorrow they’ll be more like $5 a piece. As we’ll be sitting on the balcony tomorrow night carving faces into them I really can’t see the point in paying four times as much just to have them sit around the house.

Halloween isn’t a big deal here in Oz, but the kids and I have a tradition of making Jack O’Lanterns together, which I really look forward to.

This afternoon the kids and I made simple cupcakes for their lunch boxes tomorrow. As it’s halloween Master6 thought we should put blood on them so we coloured a little of the cake mix and put a few drops on top of each. Really simple, and they got a kick out of it.

As for tomorrow night, there’s definitely something about the orange glow of a tea candle inside a hollowed out pumpkin which I find very satisfying. I think maybe it’s the looks on my kids’ faces.

Of course, if the supermarkets have sold out of pumpkins by tomorrow afternoon there will be a very different look on my kids’ faces and it really will be a scary night here in The House of Devereaux. Hollowed out spuds will give roughly the same effect, right??

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